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ARIONIC, saving resources

Saving the environment

For ten years, ARIONIC has been directing its efforts to combine ecology and performance. Saving the environment is an idea about the future. It’s a state of mind which consists of proving that it is possible to use natural resources without abusing them. Water is the basic element of life on earth. We simply want to keep it in its original state. Fossil fuels are within sight of disappearing, so reducing consumption will allow a reduction in CO2 gas emissions, and extending their use while waiting for viable energy substitutes.
An independent company specialising in the ecological treatment of water and in energy efficiency, we have ten years’ experience in the development and distribution of solutions of the physical treatment of fluids, especially in the industrial, hospital, commercial, agri-food or housing sectors.

We have brought our clients innovative and economic solutions to problems of limescale in their networks, bacteriological contamination without discharge, as well as significant economies in gas or fuel.

Programmed obsolescence has no place in our way of thinking!

The spirit of innovation

ARIONIC offers a real technological breakthrough, associated with a range of services allowing a safe transition as compared to current usage. And to prove the effectiveness of our processes, all our equipment is monitored on site with a contractual commitment to results, based on a precisely adapted protocol. For this, we use ways of measuring the biomass such as ATP metry, or recorded and registered heat assessments.

No application is beyond us: if we do not already have installations in a particular sector, such as the raising of young fish, or the elimination of biofilm in a water network in agro-food areas, or even limescale in vacuum pumps, our engineers construct a precise protocol with appropriate analyses so as to answer the question.
We have tested all types of water treatment (sea water, water for drilling, thermal water, brine and of course, drinking and consumable water).

Durable development

To innovate is necessarily to sign up to a long-term point of view.
Consequently, we adopt three approaches:

  • with our customers, by helping to reduce costs and their environmental footprint in complete safety, over time,
  • with our associates, by offering them humanely satisfying and technically innovative projects,
  • for business, by promoting the creation of jobs in development sectors.


Formed in 2003, ARIONIC is an SARL (limited company) with a capital of 140,000€ entirely held by its directors. This financial, commercial and intellectual independence guarantees complete confidentiality and total objectivity towards preserving our clients’ interests.
ARIONIC is the sole distributor of the New Ionic Water Conditioner™ for water treatment and the New Ionic Catalyser™ for fuel saving.
Having collected references in all professions, ARIONIC was ready to accompany the multi-party debate on the environment and the new environmental regulations promulgated by the EU. Since 2009, our double-figure growth has placed us as the leader of physical fluid treatment processes, with guaranteed results!